
The Nation of Bliss

Birthing Bliss through Breathwork, Music & Movement.

The Three Commandments of Blisvana

Evolve into inner bliss

Not a fleeting pleasure, but a deep, unshakable joy that comes from living in alignment with your highest self.

Choose love over fear

Love yourself, love others, love the earth. Fear has controlled us for far too long.

Uplift all, harm none

In Blisvana, no one is left behind. We rise together. We win together. We thrive together

The Citizen’s Pledge

As a citizen of Blisvana, I pledge to live in harmony with myself, with others, and with the earth. I pledge to manifest bliss in my life and to help create it for all. I pledge to hold the frequency of joy, peace, and love as my guiding light.