BlissWork for Chakra Meditation

LAM for Chakra Meditation

Feel grounded and secure as you visualize a glowing red light at the base of your spine, anchoring you to the earth with deep, steady breaths.

VAM for Chakra Meditation

Ignite your creativity and passion by meditating on a warm orange glow just below your navel, letting emotions flow like water.

RAM for Chakra Meditation

Empower your confidence by visualizing a radiant yellow sun in your core, fueling you with strength and personal power.

YAM for Chakra Meditation

Breathe in love and compassion as you imagine an emerald green light expanding from your heart, filling you with warmth and connection.

HAM for Chakra Meditation

Free your voice by focusing on a serene blue light at your throat, speaking your truth with clarity and authenticity.

OM for Chakra Meditation

Awaken your intuition as you meditate on a deep indigo light between your eyebrows, opening your mind to inner wisdom.

AUM for Chakra Meditation

Connect with divine consciousness by envisioning a luminous violet or white light above your head, merging with the universe in pure bliss.