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7 Steps to a Bliss Heart: insights from “The Untethered Soul

One of the most profound books I have read on bliss is “The Untethered Soul,” by Michael A. Singer. It’s rich with insights and transformative discourse on the path to bliss. However, its most profound insight is that opening our hearts is the essential first step in our spiritual journey.

We may chant and pray and visit religious institutions all we want, but if our hearts are closed, we will miss the enchantment offered by spiritual awakening. We will continue to experience the lower vibrations of anger, sadness, fear, guilt, jealousy, and more.

We will not heal.

To heal our body, mind, and soul we must start with our heart. That is from where abundance flows, where magnetic manifestation starts, and where our bliss resides.

That is where God/source/consciousness resides. 

While the book doesn’t provide a specific step-by-step guide, it offers insights and principles on how to approach the process of opening the heart. Here are some key points from the book:

1. Release Resentments and Judgments:

Singer emphasizes the importance of letting go of resentments and judgments. Holding onto negative emotions can create barriers around the heart. Forgiveness and acceptance play a crucial role in opening the heart.

2. Practice Unconditional Happiness:

The book encourages cultivating a state of unconditional happiness that is not dependent on external circumstances. By detaching happiness from external events, the heart can remain open in all situations.

3. Embrace Vulnerability:

Opening the heart involves embracing vulnerability and allowing oneself to be open and authentic. This includes being open to love, connection, and the full range of human experiences.

4. Release Fear and Resistance:

Fear and resistance can constrict the heart. Singer suggests identifying and releasing fears, allowing a more open and courageous approach to life.

5. Live in the Present Moment:

Being present and fully engaged in the current moment is highlighted as a way to open the heart. The book encourages letting go of past regrets and future worries to experience the richness of the present.

6. Connect with Universal Energy:

Singer introduces the idea of connecting with universal energy or consciousness. Recognizing that the energy of the universe flows through us can create a sense of interconnectedness and open-heartedness.

7. Practice Loving-Kindness Meditation:

While not explicitly detailed in the book, the concept of loving-kindness meditation, where one intentionally directs feelings of love and compassion towards oneself and others, aligns with the theme of opening the heart.

Knowing what must be done is the first step on the path to bliss.

The second step is embarking on the practices or “sadhanas” to achieve each of the above states of consciousness.  If you would like guided meditations for these 7 practices, please join FREE nightly Zoom meditations via starting at 9:30PM for just 20 minutes to begin your journey of opening your heart.  Join our Instagram @blisvana and sign up to get a free digital copy of the upcoming book: “Bliss Heart: 30 day guided meditations for Self-Love, Peace & Joy”   Simple quick practices for your journey into conscious living and love. 
Share this article with a friend if you enjoyed it!  Reach me via my Instagram @blisvana and share your insights or experiences. I love hearing from my readers. xoxo

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