By Reena Jadhav,
Take a quick minute and notice your breath.
Is it shallow, with your belly barely moving? Is it on pause as your mind races through your task list? Or perhaps you are a shaky mouth breather.
Let me introduce you to the fact that your breath is in fact your hidden superpower that can revitalize every aspect of your existence, from your health and wealth to sleep. There are a multitude of powerful breath control techniques, each with a profound impact and purpose.
In this article, I want to introduce you to popular science-backed 9 practices. I invite you to practice each of these breathing techniques for a minimum of 5 to 7 minutes and then pause to reflect on how you feel. By incorporating them into your life, you will embark on a journey of self-mastery like never before.
First, try the 4-7-8 Breathing technique that allows the rhythm of your breath to guide you toward a state of calmness. Inhale from your belly for 4 seconds, hold for 7, and exhale for 8, promoting harmony and creativity within.
Next explore the wonders of Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana), a technique that alternates inhaling and exhaling through each nostril, harmonizing and balancing your energy. Use your thumb to close gently the right nostril as you breathe in and out from the left, then use your middle finger to close the left nostril and breathe in and out from your right nostril.
Feel the productivity power of Ujjayi Breathing as you take deep, oceanic breaths, creating a slight constriction at the back of your throat both during inhale and exhale. This technique enhances focus and concentration, allowing you to tap into hidden reservoirs of productivity.
Breath of Fire is an energizing and cleansing breathing technique involving forceful exhalations followed by passive inhalations. Known as Kapalabhati Breath it’s used to invigorate the body, cleanse the respiratory system, and increase mental clarity.
Now for the breath that releases tension, try Lion’s Breath (Simhasana Pranayama). For a release of tension and an infusion of vitality, breathe in normally and then do a forceful exhalation with an open mouth and extended tongue.
Struggling with sleep? Then you have to try Square or Box Breathing, a technique that induces deep relaxation. This technique requires you to breathe in equal counts (start with counts of 4) inhale for 4, pause for 4, exhale for 4, and then pause for 4, then back to inhale for 4.
Feeling hot and bothered? Are you a “pitta” or someone who tends to heat up quickly? Then cool yourself instantly with the Sitali Breath. This involves inhaling through a rolled tongue and an open mouth. The gentle flow of cool air soothes and restores tranquility.
Got anxiety? Explore the soothing effects of Bhramari (Bee Breath), where you hum as you breathe out through a closed mouth. It should sound like bees and within minutes soothe your nervous system. This is highly recommended for students who are nervous test takers.
Finally, embrace the tranquility that comes with Extended Exhalation Breath. Lengthen the exhalation phase, and witness your body’s relaxation response activate. Breathe in for 4 and breathe out for a count of 8 as you relax your shoulders as well.
These 9 breathing techniques can unlock the tremendous potential within you! Join us nightly via Zoom link at if you would like to practice these breaths with a community of explorers.