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Blisvana Nation – birthing a place of peace & love

Are you ready for a new World of love, purity, and peace? I know I am. I call it Blisvana and I invite you to read, comment, and join me in birthing this beautiful new World.

In full disclosure, this article is my first fearless act of “coming out” of my spiritual closet. It’s taken me three years to share it with you on paper. I hope you can feel my reverence for my Blisvana.

All reality begins with a thought, then a belief, then an intention, followed by commitment, relentless pursuit, and finally persistence. 

Blisvana is very real for me. It’s my home in another dimension by the name of Shambhala. But it started with the thought of escaping the current reality into a World powered by love and purity. A belief that I have lived there before. An intention to birth it here, now.

It’s time for commitment, pursuit, and persistence.

I have read, followed, practiced, and absorbed at least 20,000 hours of meditations, interviews, books, and videos from over 50 mystics including Sadhguru, Sister Shivani, Sri Sri, Sri M, Shoonyamurti, Joe Dispenza, Michael Beckwith, Shoonyamurti. Have you noticed how much support we humans have at this time to raise our vibration, rise above the darkness, embody love and light, and birth the age of love?

It’s time for those of us awakening to come together and birth where we want to live. You and I are the warrior monks, the saviors, we are waiting for.

Below I share my brief vision but it needs your input. It needs to become OUR vision of where we all want to live. So please read, share, comment, and then join the Blisvana Nation tribe via email at the end of this article!


Inviting homesick ascending souls,

Those working on embodying pure love,

The tree huggers, star gazers, and sun worshipers, 

The telepaths, vegetarians, and animal lovers, 

The healers, dancers, and storytellers, 

The artists, teachers, and organic farmers, 

The Earth Guardians.

Many across the globe, like me, are looking for their soul families. For communities of love, peace, and acceptance. So many are ready for Satyug, the age of purity & love. 

1: The Vision of Blisvana Nation

In the vast realm of human imagination, there lies a place untouched by our dying sick world, a place called Blisvana. Here, its inhabitants live the life of their dreams. Awakened souls follow their bliss path hand in hand with a heart-centered communal life. Blisvana is a dimension where the vibrations of its people intertwine, lifting each other higher. Where the consciousness of each is merged with the whole, and love is the dominant vibration. I feel in every cell of my soul that it is time for Shambhala to emerge again, here, now, and as Blisvana. For this planet at this time, the nation of Blisvana is a group of awakening souls living together by the same rules of love, purity, and peace.

Blisvana starts as a virtual nation that establishes a self-sufficient physical territory with governance. I share my initial sketch of life in Blisvana below.

2: Blisvana Ideology

At the core of Blisvana’s ideology lies a deep reverence for our home, Mother Earth. Poisons and toxins are alien concepts. Every aspect of life in Blisvana revolves around pure organic existence, free from the shackles of materialism and synthetic allure. Citizens of Blisvana cherish their interconnectedness with nature, and they waste nothing, for they believe that everything can be shared, recycled, and repurposed. Farm-to-table restaurants serve in-season food exclusively, embracing the divine flavors gifted by the land they cultivate.

Blisvanans know that every thought, emotion and action creates a reverberation for all. So each citizen is first and foremost focussed on inner work to be the master of their thoughts and emotions. They know that actions and decisions are simply a reflection of the inner dialogue. “As within so without.” They know that outward reality is simply a reflection of their inner state of being as a community. We are a single organism and every thought, vibe and action reflects on the whole.

Blisvana is run by Master Guides (MG). There are 12 Master Guides, one for each area of the organization to ensure peace, love, and purity.

Master Guides are highly evolved, “service to others” experienced souls who can truly guide and make sound decisions for the entire community.

I envision 12 MGs for:

Housing, Education, Food, Entertainment, Justice, Soul, Farming, Relationships, Service, Necessities, Medicine, Transportation

Each MG will have 11 Guides who work with them to create another round table of 12 for each area.

Master Guides and Guides are chosen by the community and will serve as needed with support from the community. There is no concept of terms and canvassing. In a community driven by love and service vs power, ego and compensation, the process of identification will be organic and without conflict.

3: Nurturing the Soul 

In Blisvana, the village raises the children, nurturing their minds and souls alike. Education transcends conventional boundaries, intertwining spiritual connection with sciences. Basic needs like shelter, food, and transportation are provided for all, fostering a harmonious society where the citizens hold positions for the management of the nation. Balancing their responsibilities, they dedicate 50% of their day to work, leaving ample time for spiritual practices, self-learning, socializing, and play.

4: Embracing the Natural Way

Blisvanians celebrate their organic identity, from the purest cotton and linen clothing, free from synthetic taint, to pesticide-free farming, as they live in harmony with the land. Packaged foods and microwaves are eschewed in favor of nourishing, wholesome meals that sustain both body and soul. The major professions in Blisvana are intricately tied to their values, ranging from food-related occupations to technology, art, education, and the holistic approach to health and well-being.

5: A Shared Model of Food Abundance

Blisvana’s unique approach to food encompasses a shared model of abundance. Each household cultivates specific fruits and vegetables, nurturing the earth together and sharing the bounty with their neighbors. In this way, every citizen actively participates in the nourishment of their community, fostering a sense of unity and collective responsibility.

6: The Path to Spiritual Ascension

The pursuit of spiritual ascension is a fundamental aspect of life in Blisvana. As the sun rises, children engage in physical activities that invigorate both body and spirit, while adults begin their day with profound spiritual practices and physical exercise. In this enlightened nation, the citizens understand that spiritual growth is a never-ending journey, and they support each other in their quest for higher consciousness.

All citizens are engaged in exploring and enriching their lives through spiritual adventures. Traveling inwards daily is part of the desired entertainment, as we know the joy that is unleashed from connecting to consciousness far outshines any channel or meme.

 7: Awakening the Arts and Entertainment

Art and entertainment in Blisvana are not mere forms of distraction; they are sacred expressions of the soul. Citizens engage in painting, music, theatre, and other creative pursuits to celebrate the beauty of existence and inspire one another. Spas and massage centers are not only places of relaxation but also sanctuaries of healing and renewal.

8: Education and Lifelong Learning

Education in Blisvana is not limited to classrooms but extends to the vast expanse of the natural world. Schools focus on nurturing the innate curiosity and creativity of children while instilling a deep connection to the environment. Lifelong learning is celebrated, and citizens are encouraged to pursue spiritual teachings, ancient wisdom, and modern knowledge to foster continuous growth.

9: The Pillars of Health and Wellness

In the realm of health and wellness, Blisvana embraces ancient healing traditions alongside modern practices. Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, tapping, plant medicine, reiki, and energy medicine coexist to treat and maintain the holistic well-being of the citizens. The protection of wildlife and their natural habitats is equally essential, reflecting their deep connection to the Earth and all its inhabitants.

10: Uniting in Play and Sport

In Blisvana, play and sports are not mere pastimes but an integral part of life. Citizens engage in various activities like training, camps, team sports, hiking, and cycling, fostering camaraderie and physical vitality. Through these endeavors, they celebrate the joy of movement and embrace the spirit of unity that arises from shared experiences.

11: The Pursuit of Justice and Harmony

Law and order are not enforced through fear but rather established through a commitment to harmony and understanding. Judges and mediators play a pivotal role in resolving conflicts, and talk therapists lend a listening ear to those in need. Disputes are viewed as opportunities for growth, with an emphasis on reconciliation and mutual growth. When we start with love, we clearly see triggers and unhealed wounds or areas of growth in the other. We don’t judge, we simply offer empathy, support and solutions. We treat others the way we want to be treated. Period.

12. A Currency of Compassion

In Blisvana, the currency used is not conventional paper or digital money but rather an ethereal token known as “Compassion Coins.” These coins represent acts of kindness, love, and support that individuals offer to one another and the environment. The more compassion one extends, the wealthier they become. This system nurtures a culture of giving and sharing, reinforcing the interconnectedness that underpins the fabric of Blisvana. Currency can also be earned through teaching others on how to achieve spiritual adventures, as well as providing services to the community.

When home, food, clothes, safety and education are guaranteed then Coin is only needed for experiences. These could be different food education and of course support such as childcare, clothes and treats.

13. Citizen Contribution & Engagement:

I envision Blisvana residents selecting an area of focus for Contribution, Learning, and Joy from the initial list below.

As an example – I would choose Health for Contribution, Farming for Learning and Fitness for Joy. 

Food – farming, selling, cooking, restaurants, planting

Construction – builders, tradespeople

Technology – computers, paper, pens

Entertainment – plays, movies, spas, massage

Arts – painting, music, dancing

Education – teachers, principals, cleaning crew

Family Services – child raising, birthing, cooking, babysitting, counseling

Health – medicine ayurveda, Chinese medicine, homeopathy, tapping, plant medicine, reiki, energy medicine,

Play – sports, training, camps, teams, hiking, cycling

Fitness – yoga, tai chi, dancing, weight lifting

Law and order – judges, mediators, talk therapists,

Protection – wild animals

Is this model of existence for all? Definitely not, and it will curate only the tribe members that resonate with this into our fold.

Blisvana is not building a large capitalistic, FOMO community but an authentic community for awakening souls.

14.  Embracing Technological Advancements

Blisvana’s commitment to a pure and organic lifestyle doesn’t shun technology but rather embraces it judiciously. Advanced sustainable technologies, powered by renewable energy, are harnessed to enhance agricultural practices, ensure efficient resource management, and advance healthcare and education. The citizens view technology as a tool to further their spiritual growth and create a harmonious coexistence with the world around them.

15: Inclusivity and Diversity

Blisvana’s success hinges on the celebration of diversity and inclusivity. The nation welcomes souls from all walks of life, regardless of race, ethnicity, or belief system. A council of wise elders, spiritual leaders, and representatives from various communities could be established to ensure that all voices are heard, and decisions are made with collective wisdom.

16: Harmonious Governance

Master Guides and Guides provide the necessary structure, support and governance in Blisvana. However, governance is participatory and transparent to the entire community. Members/residents have the opportunity to engage in decision-making processes through consensus-building assemblies. Master Guides and Guides serve not for power or money but for the “service to others” part of their life. They are compassionate guides, entrusted with safeguarding the well-being of Blisvanans. They know that if even ONE soul is unhappy that will reverberate across the entire community. Master Guides will be those with the largest hearts and deepest wisdom.

17: Global Collaboration and Impact

Blisvana recognizes that its impact may extend beyond its borders. The nation actively collaborates with other countries that share similar values, working towards global initiatives for environmental preservation, peace, and spiritual awakening. Blisvana’s citizens become ambassadors of compassion, spreading their message of unity and love far and wide. Blisvana becomes a model for other communities. Citizens may exit anytime they feel they are no longer in their heart space of joy living this life. Citizens may become ambassadors.

18: The Ever-Expanding Bliss

As the vision of Blisvana unfolds, it becomes an ever-expanding landscape of bliss, where awakened souls embark on a journey of inner exploration, growth, and enlightenment. Together, they create a harmonious symphony with the Earth, resonating with higher vibrations, and co-creating a reality that transcends the boundaries of imagination. In this new dimension of bliss, the citizens of Blisvana discover that the path to ascension is not a destination but an eternal journey of unity, compassion, and love.

19: The Ascendant Dream of Blisvana

As we journey through the lands of Blisvana, we find a nation where awakened citizens live in harmony with nature and with each other. Their collective consciousness reaches out to the cosmos, raising their vibrations higher in the pursuit of spiritual ascension. In this enlightened dimension of pure organic existence, the vision of Blisvana becomes a reality, a beacon of hope for the world, guiding souls toward their ultimate blissful awakening.

Do you see it? What do you love? What do you see differently? Please share in the comments!

I invite you to reflect on whether Blisvana resonates with your soul? If yes, please email for an invitation to join our private network. There is no cost to join or participate.

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