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Ho’Oponopono- Transform Struggles into Serenity via Forgiveness

Are you tired of being stressed, anxious, or sad?

Do you feel stuck in a never-ending cycle of bad luck, trials, and experiences? Do you look at others with their easier, luckier lives and wonder how you too can live that way? Then this article is worth a read.

If you are experiencing negative experiences, repeating distressing patterns, negative thoughts, judgment, insecurity, and fear then you are in a lower band which will keep attracting more such recurring experiences.

There’s a simple way out but before we dive in, I urge you to take a moment to pause, breathe, and open yourself to the possibility of transformation. This journey requires your heart-based listening.

First, please know that you are a FREQUENCY. 

A symphony of unique sound and light based on every thought, action, and emotion you have ever experienced and are still living.

Your reality is the outcome of YOU. 

You are choosing which station to tune into by being in a specific frequency. If you feel fear, there will be more fear-mongering life situations. If you feel anger, there will be more angering situations.

Take a breath, close your eyes, and observe your breath. What channel are you on?

Your life can only play that which you are. 

If you don’t like the station that is playing, just change your frequency and life will deliver that which you become.

The power to change your life is LITERALLY IN YOUR FREQUENCY. 

But changing your frequency is easy to say and hard as heck to do. This article shares the SECRET of changing your frequency in a powerful and proven way. All you have to do is BELIEVE & PRACTICE.

Please meet the ancient sacred Hawaiian practice of Ho’oponopono. 

The word “Ho’oponopono” roughly translates to “to correct” or “to make things right”. The practice emphasizes the importance of forgiveness and love, and allows you to let go of burdens, or “pohaku”, to heal.

At its core, Ho’oponopono is rooted in the profound understanding that everything is frequency, and Karma creates a default frequency for us. When we find ourselves trapped in a cycle of negative life experiences we are resonating at a lower frequency. Ho’oponopono offers a sacred space for “righting the wrongs we have done” raising our vibe and transforming our life.

Why Practice Ho’oponopono:

Ho’oponopono offers a potent antidote to the pervasive negativity that permeates our lives. By engaging in this ancient Hawaiian prayer, we have the opportunity to transmute lower frequencies into higher vibrations of love, healing, and wholeness. Through forgiveness, we release the energetic burdens of resentment, judgment, and fear, allowing us to rise above the limitations of our past and create a new reality grounded in harmony and balance.

When to Practice Ho’oponopono:

The beauty of Ho’oponopono lies in its simplicity and accessibility. It can be practiced anytime, anywhere, whenever you feel called to release negative energies and restore inner peace. I recommend you practice daily, constantly and anytime you are aware of being in a lower frequency. You can practice in your car, while waiting in line at Starbucks, or right before going to bed.

Do a minimum 45 days of once a day at least to see real results in form of miracles.

How to Practice Ho’oponopono:

Engaging in the practice of Ho’oponopono requires only your intention and willingness to “right all wrongs”. Here’s a simple yet powerful way to incorporate this ancient prayer into your daily life:

  1. Find a quiet space where you can sit comfortably and center yourself.
  2. Take a few deep breaths to ground yourself in the present moment.
  3. Repeat the following four phrases either silently or aloud:
    • I’m sorry.
    • Please forgive me.
    • I love you.
    • Thank you.
  1. As you repeat these phrases, envision the person, situation, or aspect of yourself that you wish to forgive and release.
  2. Allow yourself to feel the emotions that arise, acknowledging and honoring them without judgment.
  3. With each repetition, feel the energetic shift as you release the weight of past grievances and open yourself to the healing power of forgiveness.

The Science and Results of Ho’oponopono:

While the practice of Ho’oponopono may seem simple, its effects are nothing short of miraculous. From a scientific perspective, the act of forgiveness has been shown to elicit profound changes in brain function, emotional well-being, and physical health. Studies have demonstrated that forgiveness reduces stress, lowers blood pressure, and enhances immune function. Moreover, by releasing negative emotions and restoring inner harmony, forgiveness can lead to greater resilience, improved relationships, and a heightened sense of well-being.

Once a week or more I recommend you do the entire prayer below:

This original prayer reads as follows:

Divine Creator:

If I, my family, my relatives and ancestors, have offended other families, relatives and ancestors, in thoughts, facts, or deeds, from the beginning of our creation to the present, We ask your forgiveness.

Let this clear, purify, release and cut off all negative memories, blockages, energies and vibrations. Transmute these undesirable energies into pure light and SO IT IS.

To clear my subconscious of all the emotional charge stored in it, I say over and over again during my day, the keywords of Ho’oponopono:

“I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

I declare myself in peace with all the people of the earth and with whom I have outstanding debts. In this moment, for all that I do not like in my present life: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

I release all those I believe to have wronged me because they simply give me back what I did to them before, in some past life: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

Even though it is hard for me to forgive someone, it is me who asks that person for forgiveness now. For, in this moment, across all time, for everything I don’t like in my present life: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

For this sacred space that I live in day by day and for which I am not grateful: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

For the difficult relationships from which I only keep bad memories: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

For all that I do not like in my present life, in my past life, in my work, and what is around me, I ask Divinity to cleanse in me that which is contributing to this: “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

If my physical body experiences anxiety, worry, guilt, fear, sadness, and pain, I now say “My memories, I love you. I am grateful for the opportunity to free you and me.” “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

Beloved Mother Earth, if I, my family, my relatives, and my ancestors mistreat you with thoughts, words, and actions, from the beginning of our creation to the present, I ask your forgiveness. “I’m sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you.” 

Let this clear and purify, release, and cut off all negative memories, blockages, energies, and vibrations. Transmute these undesirable energies into pure light and so it is.

I say this prayer as the doorway to your emotional health which is the same as mine. So be well, and as you heal so do I. I love you for being who you are.

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