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If It Works for Them…Over 80% of Famous People Do Breathwork

By Reena A Jadhav

Connect with me at @blisvana

When I say Meditation, I know what you’re thinking. You’ve heard all about meditation before, and you’re picturing some dude in white clothes, sitting uncomfortably crossed-legged with incense burning, chanting “OM” over and over again. But trust me, it’s not just that (although I totally rock that look when I meditate).

Meditation is the science of having a blissful life, not just the tedious practice of calming your mind or stilling your thoughts.

In fact, the word “meditate” comes from the Latin word “meditari,” which means “to think over, consider, ponder.” And the root of the word is “mederi,” which means “to heal” or “to cure.” So, meditation is all about healing and curing yourself of those pesky maladies like anger, fear, jealousy, and misery.

Meditation is truly the shortcut you have been looking for to have the perfectly blissful life you dream of, whether that’s more money, more love, or better health.

So, what is meditation, you ask? 

It’s the state of feeling pure love that emanates from your heart and makes you sob in ecstasy at the perfection of everything around you. Yeah, it’s that good. And that emotion of pure bliss creates a magnetic resonance that delivers to you all that you desire and more. It’s like a love bomb exploding in your heart and washing away all that aches.

When you enter this state of pure love, you tap into a powerful force that can transform your life in countless ways. As Eckhart Tolle, author of “The Power of Now,” once said, “When you meditate, you access the power of the universe within you. You become one with the source, and that is where you find true happiness and fulfillment.”

And all those meditation tools like chanting, breathwork, guided visualizations, and yoga?

They’re just different ways to get you into that state of pure love. For some people, dancing is their meditation, and for others, it takes being locked up in a cave. Whatever your path, the destination is always the same: a state of pure love.

What’s fabulous about meditating is that you don’t have to take a leap of faith into trying something that may or may not work. You are doing a practice that comes with a hard-core money-back guarantee and a roster of famous and rich people who swear by it.

For example, the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, has long been a proponent of meditation. He once said, “If every 8-year-old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation.” 

This quote speaks to the transformative power of meditation, and how it has the potential to change not only individual lives but also society as a whole.

Another famous figure who has spoken about meditation is Oprah Winfrey. She has credited her daily meditation practice with helping her to stay grounded and focused, even in the midst of a busy and stressful schedule. As she once said, “Meditation is not a way of making your mind quiet. It’s a way of entering into the quiet that’s already there.”

And it’s not just spiritual or religious figures who have benefited from meditation. Athletes, entrepreneurs, and musicians have also spoken about how meditation has helped them to perform at their best. For example, basketball star Kobe Bryant said that meditation helped him to maintain focus and calmness on the court. He said, “Meditation was something I had to figure out how to do to improve my focus. It helped me to relax and get into a state where I could focus on the task at hand.”

Similarly, business mogul and founder of the Virgin Group, Richard Branson, has credited meditation with helping him to make better decisions and stay creative. He said, “I rely on meditation to help keep my mind sharp and to stay calm in the face of challenges. It’s a powerful tool for staying creative and focused.”

So, are you ready to begin your journey to a state of pure love and build a direct messaging relationship with THE source?

Then subscribe to this blog to receive inspiration and clips, and join free the MeditationMagic tribe via Zoom at 9:25 PM PST for a FREE meditation. Email to get added to the tribe.

Let’s get blissed out together, my friend!

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