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Nominate & Vote for Top Living Legends Bringing Bliss to Humanity

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE announces today that nomination and voting is now open for the first annual list of Living Legends in Meditation and Breathwork. Please nominate and vote  here.

In a world grappling with an ever-growing epidemic of anxiety, there’s a profound need for accessible, science-backed solutions to promote mental well-being. Today, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of the inaugural annual list of Living Legends of Breathwork and Meditation, inviting nominations and votes to recognize those who are at the forefront of offering simple yet powerful remedies for this modern pandemic.

As anxiety continues to permeate our society, affecting individuals of all ages and backgrounds, the importance of mindfulness practices like breathwork and meditation cannot be overstated. These techniques have been scientifically proven to reduce stress, enhance emotional resilience, and cultivate a profound sense of inner peace.

The purpose of the Living Legends list is to shine a spotlight on those individuals who have dedicated their lives to advancing the field of mindfulness, bringing tangible benefits to humanity. Through their pioneering work, these Living Legends offer hope and inspiration to millions around the globe, demonstrating the transformative power of simple yet profound practices.

“We’re on a mission to combat the anxiety pandemic by honoring those who are bringing science-backed breathwork and meditations to those in need,” said Reena Jadhav, Founder Blisvana. “By highlighting the contributions of Living Legends of Breathwork and Meditation, we hope to raise awareness of the efficacy of these practices in promoting mental well-being and empowering individuals to lead healthier, happier lives.”

The nomination and voting process for the Living Legends list is open to the public, inviting individuals to put forward their nominations for the top Living Legends who are bringing bliss to humanity. Whether it’s a renowned spiritual leader, an innovative researcher, or a dedicated teacher, we want to hear about those who have made a meaningful impact in the field of mindfulness.

In a time when the world is in dire need of healing and connection, the Living Legends of Breathwork and Meditation represent beacons of light, offering guidance and support to those seeking refuge from the storm of anxiety.

To nominate and vote for the top Living Legends bringing bliss to humanity, please visit Together, let’s honor those who are leading the charge in promoting mental well-being and spreading the transformative power of mindfulness to every corner of the globe. offers free nightly 15 minute Zoom meditations featuring science-backed breathwork and meditations. Thousands have availed incredible benefits including calm, bliss, sound sleep, weight loss, removal of fear and more.

The current list of 100 nominees is as follows:

1. Dalai Lama
2. Eckhart Tolle
3. Thich Nhat Hanh
4. Deepak Chopra
5. Dr. Andrew Huberman
6. Wim Hoff
7. Iyanla Vanzant
8. Ken Wilber
9. James Redfield
10. Rhonda Byrne
11. Alice Walker
12. Nelson Mandela
13. Dr Wayne W Dyer
14. Doreen Virtue
15. Michio Kaku
16. Shaman Durek
17. Alejandro Jodorowsky
18. Mantak Chia
19. Desmond Tutu
20. Alex Grey
21. Peter Russell
22. Byron Katie
23. Ram Dass
24. Esther Hicks
25. Bernie Siegel
26. Richard Bach
27. Brian Weiss
28. Andrew Cohen
29. Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
30. Robin Sharma
31. Steve Taylor
32. Z’ev ben Shimon Halevi
33. Andrew Harvey

34. Marianne Williamson
35. Lisa Williams
36. Francis Chan
37. Don Miguel Ruiz
38. Masaru Emoto
39. Gregg Braden
40. Andrew Weil
41. Erich von Daniken
42. Adyashanti
43. Krishna Das
44. Sonia Choquette
45. Joseph Ratzinger
46. Louise Hay
47. Amma
48. Vladimir Megre
49. Ervin Laszlo
50. Elaine Pagels
51. Jeff Foster
52. Seyyed Hossein Nasr
53. Neale Donald Walsch
54. Drunvalo Melchizedek
55. Pema Chödrön
56. Diana Cooper
57. Bruce Lipton
58. Dan Millman
59. Karen Armstrong
60. Graham Hancock
61. David R. Hawkins
62. Jack Canfield
63. Clarissa Pinkola Estés
64. Sogyal Rinpoche
65. Swami Ramdev
66. Philip Berg

67. Caroline Myss
68. Michael Newton
69. Daisaku Ikeda
70. Vadim Zeland
71. John Bradshaw

75. Daniel J. Siegel
76. James Lovelock
77. Judy Hall
78. Gary Snyder
79. Patrick Holford
80. Oberto Airaudi
81. Dr Azmayesh
82. Mother Meera
83. Rabbi Michael Lerner
84. Lynne McTaggart
85. Michael Beckwith
86. Satya Narayan Goenka
87. Satish Kumar
88. Paramahamsa Nithyananda
89. Rowan Williams
90. Prem Rawat
91. Mooji
92. Stanislav Grof
93. Grant Morrison
94. Jon Kabat-Zinn
95. Dolores Cannon
96. Gangaji
97. Shakti Gawain
98. Claudio Naranjo
99. Mastin Kipp
100. Marion Woodman

Meditation is not just for spiritual awakening or certain ethnicities, its really a powerful wellness wand for all. In recent years, scientific research has underscored the profound benefits of meditation and breathwork on mental and physical well-being including improved sleep, brain function, decision-making, anti-aging, blood pressure, longevity, performance, and more.

Renowned figures throughout history have also extolled its virtues: As the Dalai Lama famously remarked, “Cultivating a close, warmhearted feeling for others automatically puts the mind at ease. It helps remove whatever fears or insecurities we may have and gives us the strength to cope with any obstacles we encounter. It is the principal source of success in life.”

Similarly, the renowned author and meditation teacher Thich Nhat Hanh emphasized, “Breath is the bridge which connects life to consciousness, which unites your body to your thoughts. Whenever your mind becomes scattered, use your breath as the means to take hold of your mind again.”

At, users have the opportunity to explore these timeless truths through nightly meditations with Masters and Mystics. Our volunteer hosts curate and select the right breathwork and meditation based on a weekly curriculum so each night is a a uniquely special experience. Our volunteer hosts curate and select the right breathwork and meditation each night to guide participants through transformative sessions that nourish the mind, body, and spirit.

Accessible to individuals of all ages and backgrounds, invites teachers, executives, teens, and those grappling with anxiety to integrate the power of breathwork into schools and corporate America.

To access our free nightly meditations, visit and click on the link to join via ZOOM at 9:25 PM PST. Whether seeking moments of tranquility amidst a busy day or embarking on a transformative wellness journey, welcomes you to join our vibrant community of mindful practitioners.

For media inquiries, please contact:

Reena Jadhav,

About is the first free hosted nightly meditations via Zoom for the entire planet. Committed to birthing bliss for all, provides accessible, science-backed meditations from Masters and Mystics for everyone from anxious teens to corporate executives, struggling seniors, the sick and those just looking for sound sleep.

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