Blog Bites

The Magic of Meditation to Unlock Your Inner Bliss

By Reena A Jadhav

Connect with me at @blisvana

So, who switched our Planet Earth movie to Hunger Games? I mean suddenly everybody seems to be fighting “something”. Doctors battling rogue viruses, bosses battling miserable employees, business owners fighting inflation, soldiers fighting in real wars, and poor teens fighting dark anxiety. Although, ChatGPT has recently brought a smile to many students by doing their homework, so there’s that!

The fear and uncertainty factor is the highest we have ever faced as a planet. So, this is definitely the time we all need a magic bullet to beat our blues and bring back our sanity and smiles.

Introducing “Meditation” the silver bullet that is about to become your best friend through these turbulent times.

Having practiced meditation for five years I can say with proof and conviction that “Meditation is the science of having a blissful life.” 

But meditation is not what the mainstream media tells you it is. Or what so many practitioners teach it to be. It’s not just calming or stilling your mind, it’s not just sitting and chanting Om and it’s definitely not sitting uncomfortably crossed-legged in white clothes with incense. Though that is the exact look I wear when I meditate. It’s not breathwork or candle gazing, although those are clearly tools within the meditation experience.

Meditation is so so much more. The word “meditate” comes from the Latin word “meditatus,” which is the past participle of the verb “meditari,” meaning “to think over, consider, ponder.” The root of the word is “mederi,” which means “to heal” or “to cure.” In ancient Rome, “mederi” was also associated with “medicus,” which meant “physician” or “healer.”

So, meditation then is truly the healer of all maladies, the cure to what ails all of humanity: anger, fear, jealousy, misery… It is, in fact, your shortcut to the perfectly blissful life you dream of – be that more money, more love, more health. Whatever you desire is one short meditation away. So what is meditation then?

It is the state of feeling pure love that emanates from your heart and makes you sob in ecstasy at the perfection of everything around you. That emotion of pure bliss creates a magnetic resonance that delivers to you all that you desire and more. Interestingly, that emotion takes away all desires and wants, as it washes away the layers of human programming for “wanting more” endlessly.

All the tools such as chanting, breathwork, guided visualizations, and yoga have a single purpose of getting you into the meditation state of pure love. For some dancing can be their meditation and for others, it takes a village and being locked up in a cave.

Are you ready to begin your journey to a state of pure love and build a direct WhatsApp/text relationship with source? Then join me daily via zoom at 9:25 PM PST for a FREE 15 minute mediation experience. We are starting the 30/60/90 day meditation challenge with fun prizes each month!

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