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Your Frequency is Your Reality

In this rhythmic dance of existence, your frequency orchestrates the symphony of your reality. Picture it as the sacred melody that shapes the grand tapestry of your experiences. You see, your life unfolds within the confines of your frequency. You cannot transcend the bounds set by its vibrations.

This is a Universal law and it cannot be broken or rewritten at our whim. 

Don‘t like your reality? Change your frequency.

This chapter endeavors to help empower you to create your new reality through your new frequency.

First, let’s get clarity on frequency vs vibration vs aura. In the language of physics, vibration denotes the graceful oscillations of particles. Frequency, on the other hand, measures the rhythm of these cosmic vibrations within the tapestry of time. Picture it as the cadence of your soul’s song which when tuned high becomes your dream life of health, personal power, clarity, peace, love, and joy. However, when tuned low, it becomes destructive dark patterns of misery.

Aura is the beautiful symphony of your existence created by your frequency and vibrations. Everything you consume, think, or speak feeds your frequency and vibration, creating your aura and reality.

Even in moments of perceived stillness, your very being pulsates with vibrational energy. Every fiber of your existence moves to a specific frequency, echoing through the vast expanse of your physical, emotional, and mental realms.

Perhaps you are starting to see how the most important thing in controlling your destiny is controlling your frequency.

Yet, it is neither discussed nor taught in any academic institution or explicitly by any religion. In New Age spirituality or metaphysical beliefs, there is a common notion that everything, including thoughts and emotions, has a vibrational frequency. This idea is often associated with the law of attraction, where positive thoughts and emotions are believed to attract positive experiences.

In some Eastern philosophies, such as Hinduism and Buddhism, there is a focus on the interconnectedness of all things and the idea that everything is energy. Practices like meditation and yoga are thought to help individuals raise their spiritual awareness or consciousness.

In Christianity, discussions about spiritual growth, prayer, and worship can be interpreted in a way that aligns with the idea of raising one’s spiritual frequency. The concept of being in tune with God or aligning oneself with divine principles may resonate with the notion of vibrational frequencies in a more symbolic sense.

For most of us though, the World of frequencies is a foreign concept despite being an integral part of our lives. Let me share some resonant examples from the natural world, spiritual practices, human emotions, and scientific principles to illustrate the omnipresence of vibration and frequency in our daily lives. Each serves as a profound reminder that the energies we engage with and embody shape the reality we experience.

Consider the hummingbird, a delicate creature hovering in mid-air with wings that beat at an astonishing rate, sometimes exceeding 80 beats per second. In this rapid vibration, it navigates the intricate dance of the floral landscape, sipping nectar with a grace that mirrors the elevated frequency of its energy. The hummingbird, through its very existence, embodies a higher vibrational state, a testament to the harmonious resonance achievable in the natural world.

Let’s explore the ancient art of chanting and its transformative impact on the vibrational frequency of individuals. Across diverse spiritual traditions, from Gregorian chants to Tibetan throat singing, practitioners harness the power of vocal vibrations to create a resonance that transcends the ordinary. The deliberate modulation of sound frequencies during chanting induces a state of deep meditation and spiritual connection, elevating the vibrational frequency of both the individual and the collective participating in this rhythmic symphony.

Consider the profound impact of laughter on the vibrational frequency of a human being. Laughter, often described as the language of the soul, is a natural and spontaneous expression that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers. In moments of genuine laughter, the body resonates with joy, love, and positive energy. Scientifically, laughter has been shown to reduce stress hormones and increase the production of endorphins, aligning the individual with a higher vibrational frequency that permeates both the physical and energetic bodies.

The ancient practice of tai chi, rooted in Chinese martial arts, is a living testament to the transformative power of intentional movement and breath. Practitioners engage in slow, deliberate motions, synchronized with deep and mindful breathing. This meditative exercise cultivates a harmonious flow of energy throughout the body, aligning the individual with a higher vibrational frequency. The intentional and graceful movements of tai chi serve as a bridge between the physical and energetic realms, inviting practitioners to attune to the subtle frequencies that exist within and around them.

In the realm of quantum physics, consider the phenomenon of resonance, where two vibrating entities come into alignment. This principle is exemplified in the synchronization of pendulum clocks placed on the same surface. Over time, the pendulums begin to swing in harmony, mirroring the influence of shared frequencies. This real-life manifestation highlights the interconnectedness of vibrational energies, demonstrating that when entities resonate at similar frequencies, a harmonious alignment occurs, influencing the shared reality.

These serve as a reminder to consciously attune to the frequencies that align with our highest selves and shy away from those that bring us down.

Embrace this truth: the elevation of your frequency gives you wings and helps you transcend your human experience into a superhuman. In this elevated state, you rise above pain, misery, and failure and into possibilities and potential. 

You are born with a unique soul frequency akin to an indelible thumbprint. Unlike the unalterable nature of a thumbprint, however, your soul frequency is within your conscious control and can undergo transformative growth through deliberate, intentional actions. Each act rooted in love, forgiveness, and service serves as a catalyst, illuminating your frequency and drawing you nearer to divinity. I believe our soul frequency holds a far greater significance than that of our physical form, urging us all to prioritize its care. While enhancing our external appearance may not revolutionize our existence, nurturing and elevating our soul frequency promises boundless blessings across every facet of our life.

Each choice is a brushstroke on the canvas of your soul’s journey. Consider the tale of Milarepa, a once-infamous murderer who, in the tapestry of a single lifetime, ascended to the zenith of mysticism—a testament to the transformative power inherent in the pursuit of ascension regardless of one’s starting point at birth.

Now, embark on a journey within. Find solace in stillness, breathe, and delve into the corridors of your memories. What echoes resonate from your childhood? What frequency painted the canvas of your early years? This, dear seeker, is your starting point—a profound exploration into the symphony of your soul.

In the boundless tapestry of existence, the resonance of your being is a melody, an ever-present hum that echoes through the corridors of your reality. To elevate your vibration and frequency is to attune yourself to the cosmic symphony, dancing in harmony with the rhythms of the universe. Here are some recommended frequency raisers for you to embrace.

1. The Art of Mindful Presence

In the stillness of the present moment lies the key to transcending the limitations of lower frequencies. Deepak Chopra invites you to cultivate mindfulness, the art of being fully present in each moment. In this state of awareness, you detach from the chaotic frequencies of the past and the uncertain vibrations of the future. Breathe in the now, let go of the cacophony, and witness the elevation of your vibration.

2. Harnessing the Power of Intention

Eckhart Tolle, a master of spiritual awakening, encourages you to recognize the transformative force of intention. Your thoughts, like ripples in a pond, create vibrational frequencies that shape your reality. Set forth positive intentions, radiate love and compassion, and watch as the energetic resonance around you begins to shift. The power lies within your conscious choice to direct the course of your vibrational symphony.

3. Nurturing Day Dreaming

Sages throughout history have emphasized the interconnectedness of the physical, mental, and spiritual realms. Spiritual leaders guide you to nourish imagination and day dream your wildest life. You can dream your way into realms of joy and peace.

4. Nourish your Temple

Engage in practices that elevate your physical well-being, and feed your soul with the nourishment of positive energy. As you soak in nature by spending time in the sun or drink green juice while grounding, your entire being vibrates at a higher frequency, creating a harmonious resonance with the cosmos.

5. Vibrational Alchemy: Transmuting Negativity

Eckhart Tolle teaches the alchemy of transmutation—the art of converting negativity into higher frequencies. Confront challenges with a consciousness that embraces growth and transformation. Just as a skilled alchemist turns base metals into gold, you have the power to transmute the lead of adversity into the gold of wisdom and resilience. Embrace the lessons, and witness the alchemical dance of elevation.

6. Connection to Universal Energies

Expand your awareness beyond the confines of the individual self and tap into the vast ocean of universal energies. Through meditation, visualization, and conscious connection, you open channels to receive and radiate higher frequencies. As you become a conduit for cosmic energy, your own vibration synchronizes with the divine, creating a resonance that elevates not only your existence but the collective consciousness.

In closing, you compose the harmony (or disharmony) of your life through the resonance of your vibration. Raise your vibration and become a living testament to the transformative power of aligning with the cosmic melody.

Do check out the blog post on Meditations and chants that are proven to raise your vibration!

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